I think they will be smaller and better and better, like more battery, better sound,
screen… Maybe they won't be physical things, they will be like projections in front of us.
3) R: Will cameras still exist, if not what would be in their place?
The cameras I guess they will be smaller and more powerful, maybe we will be
able to record 360º.
4) R: What do you think will be the main material that cell phones are made of in the
Hopefully they will start using a different materials instead of the Coltan, that is
the one used now, a mineral that you can find in Congo and is the reason why the war
there is horrible, being such a beautiful country.
5) R: Do you think that cell phones will get bigger, how big?
I think they won't get a lot bigger.
6) R: How many years do you think it will take for technology to send people to live on
To get to Mars not that long, I think it may happen in the next 50 years, but to live
there it will take a lot more, maybe 200 years more.
7) R: What function of a future car do you think will be most popular? (Self driving
function, energy conserving function…)
I think it will be self driving, it will be great to save lives.
8) R: Now, many people have switched to electronic books (ex. Kindle), in what form
(VR, screen, etc.) do you think future books will take form of?
I don't think they can change much more...