AVC Multimedia e-Book Series e-Book#3: AGBU 100 Years of History (Vol. I) | Page 161


48.Kévonian, “Réfugiés et diplomatie humanitaire,” op. cit., p. 714; letter of 26 March 1927 from the Egyptian branch to the Central Board, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/ Paris.

49. G. Burnier, Report of 12 February 1927 (extracts), op. cit., p. 6, Bibl. Nubar; letter of 7 July 1927 from the Egyptian branch to the Aleppo branch, Arch. Bibl/Nubar.

50. Varzhabedian, The Armenians in Lebanon, vol. 3, op. cit., pp. 512-513.

51. Each home was subdivided into eight apartments; each appartment had two bedrooms, a small kitchen, a toilet, and a front hall.

52. High Commission for Refugees, Armenian Central Committee, meeting of 2 December 1929, Geneva, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris; L. Pashalian, Report, Paris, 13 March 1928, p. 2, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.

53. Burnier, “Rapport annuel illustré,” op. cit.

54. Advisory commission of the League of Nations High Commission for Refugees, “Note sur les mesures prises pour l'établissement des réfugiés arméniens en Syrie,” G. A/C. 2-1929 (a), Annexe VIII, pp. 3-5, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris; “Refugee Relief in Syria, 1929,” Secretariat of the League of Red Cross Societies, December 1929, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris; L. Pashalian, Report of 13 March 1928, op. cit.; “Rapport annuel illustré,” op. cit.; “Note au sujet des Arméniens,” op. cit., p. 4.

55. “Note sur les mesures prises pour l'établissement des réfugiés arméniens en Syrie,” op. cit., pp. 2-3; Greenshields, “The Settlement of Armenian Refugees in Syria and Lebanon,” op. cit., pp. 313-343.

56. Pashalian, Report of 13 March 1928, op. cit., p. 2.

57. Couvert (Lieutenant and head of the intelligence service for the vilayet of Aleppo), Report on the Armenians of the vilayet of Aleppo submitted to the head of the intelligence service for the state of Syria, Aleppo, 28 September 1929, CADN, Mandat Syrie-Liban, 1er versement, cabinet politique, no. 573, p. 2.

58. “Rapport sur la situation des colonies d'immigrés arméniens dans le sanjak de Damas,” September 1929, p. 2, CADN, Mandat Syrie-Liban, 1er versement, cabinet politique, no. 573.

59. G. Burnier, “Installations des réfugiés arméniens en Syrie et au Liban: Rapport pour l'année 1931,” f° 279, MAE, Levant 1918-1940, Arménie, vol. 24.

60. Burnier, “Rapport annuel illustré,” op. cit., p. 2.

61. Ibid.

62. “Note au sujet des Arméniens,” op. cit., p. 7.

63. Rapport concernant les Arméniens du vilayet d’Alep, doc. cit., p. 1.

64. “Rapport sur la situation des colonies d'immigrés arméniens dans le sanjak de Damas,” September 1929, op. cit., p. 1.

65. “Exécution préscriptions note no. 2329/K.3 en date du 3 septembre 1929 du director des S.R., relative à la situation des immigrés arméniens dans le sanjak d'Alexandrette,” Alexandretta, 24 September 1929, CADN, Mandat Syrie-Liban, 1er versement, cabinet politique, no. 573.