AVC Multimedia e-Book Series e-Book#3: AGBU 100 Years of History (Vol. I) | Page 159


1.Summary of three reports by Setrak Karian, AND inspector in Greece, 23 September 1923, 6 and 17 February 1924, DNA/Microfilm/08, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.


3.Aram Andonian, “Dénombrement des réfugiés arméniens en Grèce, Bulgarie, Constantinople, Syrie, Chypre, Palestine et Mésopotamie (état de juillet-août 1923),” Paris, 1923, Arch. AND, Bibl. Nubar/Paris..


5.Barton, Story of Near East Relief, op. cit., p. 162.

6.Andonian, “Dénombrement des orpelins arméniens”, op. cit.

7.Summary of three reports by Setrak Karian, op. cit.


9.Minutes of the Central Board Meetings, 22nd meeting, 30 September 1922, Paris, ff. 102-105, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/ Paris.

10.Minutes of the Central Board Meetings, 23rd meeting, 7 October 1922, Paris, ff. 106-107, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/ Paris.

11.Minutes of the Central Board Meetings, 30th meeting, 21 March 1923, Paris, f° 134, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.

12.Minutes of the Central Board Meetings, 28th meeting, 15 December 1922, Paris, f° 124, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.

13.Anon., “Les dispensaires d'Athènes et du Pirée,” Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.

14.Anon., “L'ouvroir d'Athène,” Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.

15.Anon., “L'Union en Greece,” Miutyun, 12/94, July-August 1923, p. 56.

16.Anon., “Les dispensaires d'Athènes et du Pirée,” op. cit.

17.Anon., “L'ouvroir de Salonique,” Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.

18.Bishop Ghevont Turian (prelate of Izmir), letter of 5 May 1922 from Izmir to Gabriel Noradungian, president of the AND, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.

19.Arshag Alboyajian, Untitled article, Verchin Lur, 7 August 1922, Istanbul.

20.Minutes of the Central Board Meetings, 137th meeting, 20 February 1929, Paris, f° 762, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.

21.Minutes of the Central Board Meetings, 211th meeting, 1 July 1931, Paris, f° 1188, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.

22.A former president of the International Court of Justice in the Hague.

23.Minutes of the Central Board Meetings, 211th meeting, 1 July 1931, Paris, f° 1190, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.

24.See the chapter on Soviet Armenia below.

25.J. Lebelle (general secretary of the Committee for the Protection of Immigrant Orphans), Letter of 1 July 1931 from Paris to C. Ohanian, president of the AGBU's Athens branch, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.

26.Letter of 14 January 1932 from the Beirut branch to the Regional Committee of Egypt, AGBU Central Archives/Cairo, Beirut, 1931-1933.