110. ՀԲԸ Միութիւն, Տեղեկագիր 1914-1915 շրջաններու
[Rapport annuel de l’Union Générale Arménienne de Bienfaisance, exercices 1914 et 1915, Assemblée générale du 26 janvier 1917], Cairo 1917. The only good news to arrive in these tragic times came from India and East Asia, where three new chapters were founded on the initiative of Bishop Torkom Kushagian, in Calcutta and Bombay in March 1917 and in Singapore in November of the same year.
111. Letter of 29 January 1917 from the Central Board in
Cairo to B. Nubar, Correspondence of the head office, vol. 20, f° 424, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.
112. Minutes of the Central Board Meetings of 15 April
1906-12 May 1921, meeting of 31 December 1915, f° 168, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.
113. Letter of 5 November 1917 from the Central Board to
Colonel Deeds (head of the War Office Intelligence Department), Correspondence of the head office, vol. 23, f° 225, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.
114. Letter of 16 November 1917 from the Central Board to
Colonel Brémond, ibid., vol. 23, f° 272.
115. Letter of 16 November 1917 from the Central Board to
the head of the Intelligence Department in Cairo, ibid., vol. 23, f° 276.
116. Letter of 31 December 1917 from the Central Board to
the head of the Intelligence Department in Cairo, ibid., vol. 24, f° 139.
117. Letter of 22 April 1918 from the Central Board to B.
Nubar, ibid., vol. 26, f° 48.
118. Victoria Arsharuni (1895-1971), a Constantinople writer
and teacher born in Erznga, supervised a number of Armenian orphanages, first in Jerusalem, then in Lebanon (1922-1928), and, finally, in Alexandria (from 1929 on).
119. V. Malezian, telegram of 5 April 1918 to Victoria
Arsharuni, AGBU Archives, Correspondence of the head office, vol. 25, f° 396, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.
120. Anon., “Nine Hundred Deportees Liberated in Tafila
(Sinai),” Miutyun, no. 61, January-February 1918, p. 5.
121. Correspondence of the head office, AGBU Archives, vol.
26, ff. 257 and 265, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.
122. Correspondence of the head office, vol. 26, f° 91, Arch.
Bibl. Nubar/Paris.
123. 123. Letter of 25 April 1918 from the Central Board to
the Director of the Intelligence Department, Correspondence of the head office, vol. 26, ff. 61-63, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.
124. Memorandum of 28 April 1919 submitted to B. Nubar by
the Marseille ANU, Archives of the AND 1-16, Corresponsdance of April-May 1919, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.
125. Letter of 25 April 1918 from the Central Board to the
Director of the Intelligence Department, Correspon-dence of the head office, vol. 26, ff. 163-164, Arch. Bibl. Nubar/Paris.