AVC Multimedia e-Book Series e-Book#3: AGBU 100 Years of History (Vol. I) | Page 46


66. Ibid. Krikor Zohrab conducted the negotiations with the

Russian ambassador to Turkey, N. V. Charikov, about the form that St. Petersburg's diplomatic intervention was to take. The bargaining with the representatives of the Great Powers was likewise carried out under his supervision (Zohrab, Diary, Complete Works, vol. 4, op. cit., p. 343). The passage that the Patriarch, Zaven Der Yeghiayan, devotes to the question of the reforms in his Memoirs, op. cit., is also worth consulting. See further L. Etmekjian, “The Armenian National Assembly of Turkey and Reform,” Armenian Review, 29/1, 1976, pp. 38-52. Vol. 86 and vols. 87ff. of AMAE, Turquie, Correspondance politique, n. s., make it possible to follow the evolution of the question very closely.

67. B. Nubar, letter of 2 August 1913 to A. Williams

(president of the British-Armenian Committee), ADA/BNu, dossier 2. This letter, too, shows that the reform plan was the work of the Patriarchate.

68. Hovannisian, Armenia on the Road to Independence, op.

cit., p. 32; Gabriel Lazian, Հայաստան Եւ Հայ Դատը [Armenia and the Armenian question], Cairo, 1957, p. 155.

69. Papazian, Memoi­rs, op. cit., vol. 2, pp. 543-583.

70. Davison, “The Armenian Crisis,” op. cit., pp. 500ff.

71. Ibid.

72. Ibid., pp. 491-496.

73. Ibid., p. 491.

74. B. Nubar, letter of 16 June 1913 to V. Karanfilian, ADA/

BNu, dossier 2. This letter makes it clear that Nubar consulted with Lepsius in the wings of the April London Conference about the best strategy to pursue in order to convince Western diplomatic circles of the accuracy of Nubar's analysis. The leading members of the British-Armenian Committee were Lord Bryce, N. Buxton, Sir E. Bayle, T. P. O'Connors, A. Williams, and A. G. Symonds. The president of the French Committee was Robert de Caix. The German Committee was headed by Dr. G. V. Greenfield and Dr. J. Lepsius, the Swiss Committee by Leopold Favre. AMAE, Turquie, Correspondance politique, vol. 86, pp. 253-255.

75. B. Nubar, letter of of 19 June 1913 to A. Williams, ADA/

BNu, dossier 2. Here, too, Nubar discusses the results of his second trip to London in mid-May.

76. Davison, “The Armenian Crisis,” op. cit., pp. 500-501.

77. B. Nubar, letter of 26 June 1913 to A. Williams, ADA/

BNu, dossier 2.

78. B. Nubar, letter of 25 June 1913 to Galli, ibid.

79. B. Nubar, letter of 6 July 1913 to A. Williams, ibid.

80. B. Nubar, letter of 23 June 1913 to G.V. Greenfield, ibid.

81. Kevork Nubar, letter of 3 July 1913 from San Stefano to

B. Nubar, ibid.

82. A. Williams, confidential letter of 29 July 1913 to B.

Nubar; ibid. See also Les réformes arméniennes et l’intégrité de la Turquie d’Asie, Constantinople, 22 March 1913, 4 pp.; Les réformes ar­mé­niennes et les populations musulmanes. Les émigrants (mo­hadjirs) dans les provinces arméniennes, Constantinople, 5 May 1913; Les réformes arméniennes et le contrôle eu­ro­péen, Constantinople, 14 June 1913, 4 pp.