AVC Multimedia e-Book Series e-Book#1: The Armenian Highland | Page 27

Masis and Aragats were erstwhile sisters. One day they had a quarrel. One of them said “I’m the best, I’m the tallest,” and the other said– “I’m taller and more beautiful than you.”

Mount Marutaattempted to reconcile the two quarreling sisters. Unable to reestablish peace, Mount Marutagave up and left, cursing the two sisters. The ominous curse states: “Masis and Aragats shall forever remain apart, to never reunite”.



Ararat or Masis and Aragats Mountains

The following is folklore about Mount Masis,which is currently in the territory of the Republic of Turkey, and Mount Aragats.

In her turn, Masis cursed Aragats so that sorrow may never leave her heart and tears always fill her eyes. Aragats cursed Masis so that she would go dry from sorrow and no man on earth shall climb her summit, no oblation be given..

A lake was formed on Mount Aragats from her tears of sorrow, thousands of springs flowing from her foothills, while Masiswent dry, no man conquered her summit, and no oblation was ever given.