LIBRA (Sept. 22 – Oct. 23)
Finding it difficult to get over a recent career change you find Mercury and the Sun come to your rescue followed by Venus shortly after. A wonderful trine in fellow air signs develops promising a lovely time for leisure activity. You can expect to have an especially happy Valentines Day this year. Take time off to get away from it all for the dream weekend of your choice. Intuition is at its best now as Aquarius planets activate psychic Neptune. Color and sound experiences provide the background for expanding your awareness often healing you in the process. The New Moon bring creative inspiration your way that is perhaps ahead of its time. Unusual and inventive ideas flow easily and your choice of medium is unlimited. This may cause havoc in your home environment possibly causing you to undertake a major construction project or makeover. Will you use your present success to advance or let it ride for the next 14 years before you consider making a change? Saturn will take that long before it finds its way to the bottom of your chart where you’ll be getting antsy again about moving. Keep that in mind when making career moves and do your best to ride this wave to the end.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
Impatient and aggressive behavior soon leaves you when visiting Mars moves on to Capricorn effecting your finances. Control your anger for now and don’t over react. Light a pale blue candle for Candlemas and dedicate it to peace. That includes all you may have offended over the last few weeks. You may want to bring some special goodies to work to show others your feelings and beg forgiveness through their stomachs. With Neptune, Mercury, Venus and Sun in your 3rd house you can trust your instincts about neighbors or siblings. Work to communicate with them. Keep a journal to help you on that quest for spiritual knowledge. Record all Tarot spreads and take notes of omens or mythological creatures. It may be especially helpful to review these archetypal messengers to help you encode a problem in your current affairs. As you read through the stories and accounts of classical gods and goddess compare it to current times and facilitate your spiritual awareness.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 22)
Moon visits you sign on the first 3 days of February bringing a renewed strength and feeling of well being. For the Candelmas celebration on February 1st create a house blessing that will bring renewed sense of spirit to your home environment protecting you from those who may wish you harm. The bond between parent and child can be especially important now strengthening the connection for both. With the New Moon and the majority of planets visiting your 4th house, home and heritage becomes increasingly important. Your residence may change and you hold the dream key to the undertaking. Your understanding of relatives both here and recently passed becomes apparent. You realize the decisions you need to make and what you’ll need to do about getting the proper housing as early as February 2nd. Lovely Venus enters Aquarius then. You may find yourself developing a wonderful flare for some unusual decorating abilities that outshines even the most daring. It’s an excellent time to do some entertaining as well. Invite everyone near and dear and even some that are not so near.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 21 – Jan. 19)
With your money house highlighted you’ll be happier than a clam. Always your favorite subject this can hold especially true now as Mars enters Capricorn on the 6th. This only empowers you to perform more of your magic. Create enough to sit back on and smile. It may be time to direct your energies toward more compassionate ways of dealing with your family. Much can be accomplished. Don’t; push yourself or others too hard now. Keep up with current trends in your profession and keep communications active with those you work with. Be sure to maintain a healthy relationship between personal and professional life. Study the history of spells and incantations well, especially those from ancient days and other countries that come rich with folklore to enhance your own imagination. February 6th ‘7th are days you’ll not soon forget. These can be seen as your power play days. Use them to enhance your possibilities and encourage good reactions from others.