Avanti Entrepreneur Avanti Entrepreneur Magazine Fall 2017 | Page 10


ENTREPRENEUR Q & A Marketing Today and Advice For The New Entrepreneur




Avanti Entrepreneur founder , David Mammano , interviewed Don Osmond , the founder and managing partner of OzComm Marketing to get the inside scoop on what the future of marketing looks like .

DAVID MAMMANO : What excites you about the future of your business ? What do you think is on the horizon ?
DON OSMOND : As marketers , we are just on the cusp of a lot of things . Technology is here , and there has to be some sort of application , but how do we make it to where it fits within the parameters of what we do . Is it still communicative and engaging so that we are making sure we connect person-toperson ?
That really is what marketing is — getting back to communication .
As long as new marketing technologies don ’ t miss the boat on connecting human-to-human , then we need to utilize all of the technologies around us . You ask what is on the horizon … well , the sky is the limit .
MAMMANO : With opportunity there are challenges , too . If you think about the next five years , what are some of the hurdles you will be facing ?
OSMOND : My great-great-grandfather was an entrepreneur himself . It was easy for him . He had only a few channels to market : talk to people or mass mailers . For him , it was easy . Marketing was just right there , and he didn ’ t have to worry about a world marketplace .
As we start connecting with the world today , there are more ideas out there . It is that much more critical for us to be able to uniquely identify what our value proposition is . Today , we cater to everyone around the world , but what is my target demographic ?
Things are moving at a much faster clip than years ago . You didn ’ t have to worry about social media then — the bar used to be social media ! It ’ s just moving a lot faster these days , and we need to be ready to ride those waves as they come in at a quicker clip .
MAMMANO : If you were to give advice based on your experience to
someone who is starting a business or taking a deep breath to really grow their business , what would you tell them ?
OSMOND : Well … take a deeper breath ! But honestly , now is as good a time as any to do something on your own . There are a lot of opportunities for entrepreneurs that didn ’ t exist before .
Find yourself a community and take the opportunity to work out of a co-working space . Get out of the home . Home should be home , but a co-working space gets you into the community , and you get the beat of what ’ s going on around you .
To watch the full interview with Don Osmond , check out Avanti Entrepreneur TV at AvantiEntrepreneurGroup . com / Avanti-TV .
David Mammano is the Founder of the Avanti Entrepreneur Group and hosts the Avanti Entrepreneur Podcasts and Avanti Entrepreneur TV . To be considered for an interview , please email David at David @ DavidMammano . com .