Avalon_V11I1 | Page 8

2 Commercial lots 2538 Dune Drive , Avalon , NJ
2 Commercial lots 2688 Dune Drive , Avalon , NJ
For All oF Your reAl estAte NeeDs
Experience and Dependability Since 1979 www . NewboldRealEstate . com

Buying , Selling , Renting , Building ...... Call Newbold Real Estate

Rare opportunity to purchase large ( 129 ’ x105 ’), 2 lot commercial property with 6 income producing business leases . Purchase as an investment or for redevelopment . These lots would allow for construction of 4 new commercial stores of 1,150 s . f . each with 4 large 2,250 s . f . two-story townhouses above with elevator access and ample parking in the center of Avalon ’ s business district . Please call for a copy of the redevelopment plot plan and to discuss current business leases .
Call Doug Newbold 609-425-2979 for details
2 Commercial lots 2538 Dune Drive , Avalon , NJ
Offered at $ 3,395,000
2 Commercial lots 2688 Dune Drive , Avalon , NJ
This large ( 130 ’ x 105 ’), 2 lot commercial property on Dune Drive is currently for sale . These lots would allow construction of 4 commercial stores of 1,150 s . f . each with 4 large , 2,250 s . f . two-story Townhouses above with elevator access and ample parking in the center of Avalon ’ s business district . This is truly a rare opportunity to change the face of Avalon . Please call for a copy of the redevelopment plot plan and to discuss development possibilities . Property currently leased through December 2021 . ( Business not included )
Offered at $ 3,395,000

For All oF Your reAl estAte NeeDs

Douglas P . Newbold Broker of Record 609-425-2979 DPNewbold @ aol . com
8 | www . OasisLuxuryHomes . com

RaRe OppORtunutiy

Call Doug Newbold 609-425-2979 for details

Experience and Dependability Since 1979 www . NewboldRealEstate . com

2778 Dune Drive , PO Box 1 , Avalon , NJ 08202
609-967-8300 newboldRealestate @ gmail . com
609-967-3330 ( fax )