238 62nd Street | Avalon , NJ 08202
Situated just 8th from the beach , this well-built five bedroom , two full and two powder room house offers immediate use or solid development potential with nearby sales close to $ 4,000,000 . Enjoy ocean and bay views from the front and a sunbathed rear yard , perfect for a future pool . The 60 ’ x 110 ’ site will accommodate a 4,620 square foot structure .
Offered at $ 2,175,000
$ 183,000,000 IN PRODUCTION so far in 2020 !
6043 Ocean Drive | Avalon , NJ 08202
Situated just over a block to Avalon ’ s south-end beaches , this newer home boasts seven bedrooms , seven full baths and fully equipped with gorgeous décor , furnishings and an in-ground pool . Perfect opportunity for family fun or rental investment . Rental history is available upon request .
Offered at $ 2,590,000
609.967.3001 | 609.967.0466 | avalonstoneharbor . com | 2997 Dune Drive - Avalon , NJ 08202
14 | www . OasisLuxuryHomes . com