Avalanche - The Anarchist correspondence zine Avalanche - The Anarchist correspondence zine 2 | Page 25
be decided, where the tensions will be at their limits,
if not just exploding. After soon a decade of austerity
measures under the rule of the so called Alliance, people have already forgotten the miserable conditions that
existed under the social democratic rule. Nazi parties
are also joining this spectacular dance. The tensions in
the segregated areas is still there as a force to count on.
You name it, this election got it!
What made us choose to care about the election more
than wanting to fart it in the face was first and foremost
the fact that an antiauthoritarian initiative against it
showed up.
The 1th of April, the day of the trickster, several actions
were carried out in the name of the ”Joker.” (As in the
Joker of a card game). This day of action was named as
”Out of Order” and the attacks/actions were carried out
in numerous places. The campaign presented itself as
the 365 Movement and every action that is carried out
by anonymous groups or people, is later ”claimed” by
the Joker. The targets of the actions was and continues
to be the election machinery, the State and the political
spectacle. Most of the propaganda and the actions are
forming a certain build-up for the elections, even though
some of the actions has been more randomly against the
State and even in solidarity with the struggle against the
World Cup in Brazil, and not only specifically against
the elections.
Outside of the action claiming Joker-sphere, there has
also been random unclaimed destruction of election
material, which we find important to mention however
small it is.
To see others using the already existing tension to push
it forward against authorities and against the election
spectacle, inspired us to join in. We also saw a space
within this initiative that wasn’t used, which was the
space for individualist anarchist critique on the election
and democracy. A space to be filled with our newspaper and other forms of ”our” propaganda. We also saw
the lack of debate around informal organizing, ”action claiming” and similar topics which are much more
present on an international level, and so we translated
partly this international debate and contributed with it
to this struggle context.
As we write these lines our election issue is ready to be
printed and to hit the streets, the build-up of a debate
climate in the election resistance aswell as in the broader anarchist environment is evolving and we see a great
potential in the Swedish context at the moment. If not in
terms of attacks the succes of this years tension-seeking will be measured in the new spaces that has been
opened up for our ideas and for meeting other comrades
in struggle, that would otherwise never have happened.
With greetings from a tension-filled context that actually exists,
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