was released on conditions . There were also tens of injured , some more heavily than others .
Of course , the riots after the eviction were not appreciated by everybody in the neighbourhood and in the city in general . There were also neighbourhood associations and social organisations opposed to the rioting who stepped forward as mediators with the city government as to avoid and contain further conflict . Although the assembly of Can Vies didn ’ t go to the negotiations with the city government and the mediators , we have to say that the journalist game came into play . On the 30 th of May , the assembly of Can Vies gave a press conference and accepted the offer of the city government to help the firemen and city services to clean up the ruins . After four , five days , the protests stopped and gave way to the cleaning tasks and to the bet of rebuilding the space .
Beyond the glorification of the barricades , the fire and the confrontations with the repressive forces , we anarchists have to think a bit about what is called “ total and unconditional support ” in cases like this . Why not speak out , and foremost , why not act against the patriots ( of all kinds )? This question might seem totally outside of the context of this city , but that is exactly why we should be alerted . The enemy of our enemy is not necessarily our friend , and when similar situations occur , where under the flag of “ the struggle for the neighbourhood ” or the “ popular revolt ” everything is being accepted , things get even more dangerous when no clear lines are drawn . The opinion saying that the independentists are to be tolerated or that we have to mix between the crowds because we are in a conflictive conjuncture only helps the castration of our discourse and its assimilation by the enemy .
If we are speaking about gentrification , we are actually speaking about the control over territories . Between those who say that the actual authorities on a local and national level do not have the legitimacy to decide on the future of this or that neighbourhood are also those who believe in national sovereignty , that is to say , in the supposed ancestral right of property on the earth . Patriotism can present itself also with an anti-capitalist or even anti-statist face , but this doesn ’ t make it less disgusting than any other kind of nationalism . It is up to us , anarchists without fatherlands , to unveil the abysm separating us from the nationalists , be it right wing or left wing .
You always have to sleep with one eye open .
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