AV News Magazine | Page 18

AV News 200 - May 2015 David Kingston LRPS M id p h o t A V C o m p e titio n It's that time of the year again - the end of January, and dire warnings of snow, ice and widespread travel disruption in the days ahead. Ah yes - it must be time for the annual Midphot AV competition! The 2015 competition was once again hosted by Staffordshire Audio Visual Group at the Priory Centre near Burton-on-Trent. This meant a journey-time of about an hour for us, and the weather forecast of overnight snow and ice was not encouraging. Fortunately, the forecast was wrong (again!), and we arrived much earlier than expected. Volunteers from the Priory centre and members of SAVC were already hard at work setting out the seating, erecting the screen, setting up the HD projection and audio equipment, and, most importantly, organising the catering service. By the time that the audience were arriving, the room was ready, and they were enjoying a welcoming drink and socialising. A strong entry from East Midlands AV group, comprising 14 sequences, was largely responsible for a near-record entry of 43 sequences from 32 authors. It was essential that projection began promptly at 10.30am. The judges, Edward Spence FRPS DPAGB AV-AFIAP, Tony Collinson LRPS DPAGB and Jeff Mansell arrived promptly, and Richard Brown FRPS FIPF EFIAP APAGB, was able to formally open the event on schedule. The sequences were shown in four sessions, two in the morning and two in the afternoon. The lunch break was limited to 50 minutes, with a 5-minute 'shuffle break' scheduled at mid-morning and mid-afternoon. The quality of the sequences shown this year was very high, and all of them were worthy contenders. The projection was faultless, and, as a result, my interest was held throughout each session. I don't envy the judges - they had a hard job this year! In the event, the audience vote and the judges' selections were in close agreement. Congratulations to the winners, but the most pleasing aspect of this year's championship was the increase in both the quantity and the general standard of the sequences. If you didn't win this year, better luck next time! Award Sequence Author Winner Menin Road Howard Bagshaw Staffs AV Grp Judges Awards - Jeff Holy Brook Martin Fry Cheltenham CC Tony Queen of the Hills Malcolm Imhoff East Midlands AV Grp Eddie B.P. Best sequence by an Journey with Angels Intermediate worker Highly Commended Club Howard Bagshaw Staffs AV Grp Maaggie Imhoff East Midlands AV Grp That Picture Alastair Taylor Staff AV Grp There was Never Anybody Like Him Richard Brown Fentham PS Capturing The Moment Martin Fry Cheltenham CC Audience Vote - Sess1 Queen of the Hills Malcolm Imhoff East Midlands AV Grp Session 2 Holy Brook Martin Fry Cheltenham CC Session 3 Menin Road Howard Bagshaw Staffs AV Grp Session 4 There was Never Anybody Like Him Richard Brown Page 16 Fentham PS