AV News Magazine | Page 11

AV News 200 - May 2015
Audio Clip Volume
The volume of each audio clip can be individually adjusted . Double-click on the waveform to go to audio settings and then adjust the Volume setting on the right . Either type a value into the box or click the little arrow at the right and drag the slider .
Note that this volume setting applies in addition to any volume adjustment by the envelope .
An audio clip can be linked to a slide so that when the slide is moved on the timeline , the audio clip also moves . However the audio clip can be moved relative to the slide without the slide moving . The best way to understand this is to try it .
Make sure you have three slides and an audio clip on the time line . Shorten the audio clip by dragging its ends until it is about five seconds long . Position it roughly underneath the second slide . Select the second slide by left clicking . Right click the audio clip and then left click on the option ' Link Audio Clip To Slide 2 '. The clip is now linked to slide 2 and an arrow and the number 2 appears in the waveform to denote this , as shown in Figure 4 ( Page 11 ). Experiment by moving the slide and then moving the audio clip and listening to the result .
Another way of linking a clip to a slide is from the Audio tab . Double-click on a waveform to open the Audio tab with the corresponding wave file already selected . Check the ' Link to slide ' checkbox in the settings on the right and then select or enter the slide to link to . A slide can have more than one audio clip linked to it , but not vice versa .
Note it is advisable to reserve one audio track for linked audio clips . All audio clips in this track should be linked . The reason for this is that when a clip moves , due to its linked slide being moved , any unlinked audio clips to the right are also moved . Note also that if you delete a slide with linked audio clips , the audio clips are also deleted .
Applications - Starting on time Synchronising the start of the music with the appearance of the first slide in a sequence creates a good first impression and is very easy to do .
To adjust the point at which the music starts , drag the whole audio file right to increase the delay or left to decrease it . If the delay can ' t be reduced sufficiently because the left edge of the audio file hits the edge of the window first , drag the edge of the audio file to the right before dragging the whole file .
Adding sound effects
An example of this might be adding an appropriate bird call to a particular slide . Find a suitable recording containing the call . Don ' t worry if there are extra sounds in the file . Add the audio file to the timeline and then adjust one or both ends of the clip until just the section you are interested in remains .
Adjust the volume of the whole clip or use the volume envelope if some parts need to be adjusted more than others . Then link the clip to the relevant slide so that if you move the slide the sound effect stays with it .
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