AV News Magazine | Page 4

AV News 201 - August 2015 E d ito rial Jill K Bunting CPAGB & John Smith APAGB CPAGB As we believe the song goes 'Now is the time to say Goodbye' - well not we hasten to add from the AV scene, but at least from editing this magazine. It has been rewarding although sometimes frustrating over the past seven years producing our 28 issues. We do hope however you feel that we have on balance kept true to the principles and the conditions that we requested when we took on the position of Editors .... that of trying to publicise and report on every Audio Visual event that took place, under whatever auspicies they were being held. We felt it extremely important that we reach out and actively try to encourage more people to come into our hobby. To this end, rather than just listing competition sucesses, we have where possible included informative and educational articles to reflect and perhaps demystify the huge strides that have been made in the production technology over this period. Whilst we have managed to find the time to write a few of these ourselves we must sincerely thank our extremely dedicated band of writers - Keith Scott for his regular 'up to the minute' Photoshop instructional articles, Howard Bagshaw for taking us through the basics of PicturesToExe and to 'Sound Guru', Howard Gregory, for all his audio hints, tips and problem sorting. When you look around the audiences at some recent get togethers the scene has changed - some of our past prolific workers are now not often attending anymore and of course it was also our sad duty to report on the occasions when we met to say our final goodbyes to old friends. It was a great pleasure to meet you all when we have lectured, judged and attended events around the country. Many people took the opportunity to suggest things that they would like to see in future editions of the magazine and to kindly let us know that they appreciated the magazine and the contact that it brings. Letters like the one from Bill Bruce in Norway on page 27 have brought home to us just what the magazine achieves in communicating with both the AV Group membership and also our many subscribers. We still plan to continue running the 'AV News' website which can be found at www.avnews.org.uk and also our occasional subscriber newsletter, 'AV Links'. You can sign up to receive this at www.avlinks.org.uk Of course for us to be able to do this sucessfully we need organisers and others to let us know details of their forthcoming events and more importantly send us a report and pictures on what took place. We hope that someone will step forward as the new Editor(s) and continue to provide what is an essential part of the AV world. We hope to see you all at either the Nationals in early September or our Great Northern Festival weekend taking place from the 4th-6th December. www.gnfestival.org.uk Page 2