AV News Magazine | Page 23

AV News 201 - August 2015
I don ' t think I could finish this review without mentioning ' Tut Tut ' https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = EzYsxKJpWeQ made by Tim Stanford , his family and starring his daughter and several of her friends . All shot using Chroma Key or as it is more commonly known as Green Screen . There is no serious message but it is pure entertainment .
The majority of the results were published a month before the festival however the best film was kept secret and only announced at the end of the festival . This year that top honour went to Kingsley Hoskins ' s ' Copy That ' https :// vimeo . com / 109063237
Kingsley also picked up another award ' Popping the Question ' I can recommend a tour around this talented , award winning , filmmaker ' s Vimeo site https :// vimeo . com / khoskins1
So was ' Copy That ' the best film ? Quite possibly it was .
Alan ' s own websites are : www . flickr . com / photos / boutique _ studio www . imdb . com / name / nm1887791 and www . vimeo . com / acprods
Judging M ovies
Tony Collinson LRPS DPAGB
Some time ago I was asked to judge an annual competition at a local Movie Makers Club . My thought process was that this was just another form of audio visual and , although I had not judged at this type of event before , I accepted the invitation . I dutifully turned up on the night , a little nervous , and watched each film making notes and commenting after each .
My observations were along the lines of those I would make when judging AV sequences and my comments were made accordingly . They followed the lines of the quality of the video , exposure , composition , focus and transitions and in some cases the fact that a tripod should have been used ! I tried to look for continuity errors although I did find this difficult .
The appropriate nature of the visual clips and the storyline was also looked at along with the quality of the sound recording . However , as with all presentations the thing that made the greatest impact was the storyline and its structure . Did it convey what the author intended ? Did it evoke an emotion and was I left with a sense of satisfaction , curiosity , anger , laughter . Did I learn something and was it thought provoking ?
Following my deliberations I had the job of announcing the winners and awarding the trophies . I received a number of favourable comments over a cup of tea such as they had not had anyone judge like this before . Oh dear ! Had I made such a mess of things ? Were they were just being polite and thinking " We won ' t be asking him again !"
Then just a month or so ago I was asked again by the same club to judge again , but this time in a competition with another Film Making club . Perhaps we do have something to offer the video world and we can certainly learn something from them .
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