AV News Magazine | Page 21

AV News 201 - August 2015 B IA F F 2 0 1 5 Alan Colegrave FACI Friday April 17th was going to be an interesting day for me. Firstly I had been invited to a film shoot to meet several people in Brick Lane, East London. After a fairly brief visit, I would return home to drive to BIAFF (British International Amateur Film Festival) at Sittingbourne. Well that was the plan. However by the time I left for the drive round the M25, the dreaded rush hour had started. Eventually I arrived in Sittingbourne, grabbed a quick bite to eat and made my way to the AV presentation in the Laurence Olivier room. Everything seemed ready to go except the audience. I know some filmmakers say they do not like AV or still photography but an audience of five! Where were they? Soon the question was answered. The group dinner was running late. Five minutes later another fifty people turned up. The majority of the presentation was from the 2015 Peter Coles International. I will not make any attempt to comment on the entry other than to say that the AVs