Autumn Winter 2016 2016:2 | Page 4

Message from our Chair Welcome to our autumn/winter edition! Congratulations if you have just welcomed a new addition to your family and we hope that you are settling into your new family life. We welcomed Ophelia into our family at the beginning of the summer and our boys are certainly enjoying having a little sister. As winter draws in, we hope that you can take inspiration and information from our newsletter and use it as you gear up to Christmas and over the winter months. This edition is full of ideas to keep your angels occupied in the bad weather, indoor games and playgroup listings to name a few. We have had a busy year so far with two Nearly New Sales (the second of which in a new venue), Messy Play, First Aid, Early Days Drop-In and Tick Tock. We have enjoyed welcoming parents to our activities and events and supporting them all on their parenting journeys. If you want any further information about the groups and events we run, please do contact us on [email protected], we would love to meet you! The NCT’s website also has extremely useful articles on a whole range of topics. I want to say a b ig thank you to all our volunteers for their time and dedication throughout the year so far – our activities wouldn’t run without you. We are, as always, recruiting new volunteers and are in desperate need of extra pairs of hands for our monthly messy play group (planning activities or turning up on the day to set up, clear away or help it run). Please do get in contact if you want to help – your contribution can be just a couple of hours a month, all time is appreciated. We are also extremely grateful for Water Babies’ sponsorship. You can find more information about the courses they run in the area in this edition. See you in the next edition! Kat Gilbert Loughborough Branch Co-Chair 3