Autumn book autumn book_goomag | Page 14

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! Just the shortest of notes to say thank you for being a great group.! I am always delighted to find young ( of and course not so young!!!) people involved with photography who are keen to ask questions about the world we live in. It’s also good to see good photographs too It was too short a time in fact, but hopefully you left with some food for thought and also dreams about your photographic futures So without further ado I’m sending you the links I promised. I’ll try to add to it when I feel inspired in the meantime, make great pictures and have good time along the way take care and please stay in touch warmest, V... ps I didn’t send to Sonya as I couldn’t read her email address, so if anyone has it please could you forward it to me..thanks V... W... 11.07.201 0