news&views Autumn 2021 | Page 5

From the President

Lorna McIlroy | President , ARTA

“ The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience , but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy .”

— Martin Luther King Jr .
Pandemic restraints over the past eighteen months immediately and drastically reduced our feelings of comfort . We were challenged by the imposed constraints and our comfort zones shrank dramatically . World leaders , medical experts , relatives , and friends offered varied and controversial advice . As we lost our sense of control of our environment , we experienced various levels of anxiety and insecurity .
In response , we sought comfort by cocooning , huddling under blankets or quilts , wearing our comfortable pyjama pants and fuzzy slippers . Then we turned to comfort foods . Flour , yeast , baking soda , and baking powder flew off the supermarket shelves as we baked bread and pastries . Sourdough starters were shared and kombucha brewed on countertops . Garden seed racks rapidly emptied as we aimed to ensure food security by growing our own vegetables .
As the restrictions eased , our feelings of comfort did not automatically and immediately restore and reset . It will take time , more time for some of us than others . You may feel naked and vulnerable when entering an area where masks are no longer required . You may inwardly cower when someone inadvertently enters your two-metre zone .
As you regain confidence , please try to take tentative steps outside your comfort zone . This might simply mean ordering a new item off the menu or wearing a new colour or style . It might entail learning a new skill . This is a great time to
register for a university course or local class .
Then , as your comfort level grows , my suggestion is that you now endeavour to bring comfort to others . Volunteer at an animal shelter to bring comfort to the animals . Deliver meals to the homebound . Share your musical talents with the residents of lodges and care centres . Donate your surplus food and clothing to assist those who are less fortunate . Finally , I would encourage you to volunteer to serve on a local committee or assist at an event . Take an active interest in the upcoming elections ; get to know the candidates and issues . This is also a great time to join your local branch of retired teachers or , if you are already a member , consider serving on its executive . Perhaps you are now ready to submit your nomination for one of the ARTA committees .
As you restore your level of comfort , always remember that ARTA is with you every step of the way with the following strategic goals : ARTA fosters vibrant , engaged , and informed members ; ARTA promotes a healthy , active , and enhanced quality of life for retired people ; ARTA ensures a unified voice is heard on issues affecting current and future retired individuals ; ARTA nurtures leadership , encourages communication , recognizes achievement , and embraces sustainability . As we look ahead and move forward with ARTA , brighter days are on the horizon . news & views AUTUMN 2021 | 5