Automotive Business Review September | Page 62

Social Conscience Golfers go M.A.D. If a higher intelligence arrived on earth and had a look at your regular golf day, the conclusion that would rapidly be reached would be that earthlings are insane, and if the aliens had done some further homework on Lewis Carroll, I am sure that the term “as mad as a hatter” would find its way into the report. A ny doubt about this hypothesis was wiped out on Friday 8 August 2014 at the Centurion Country Club, when 27 fourballs endeavoured to take craziness to a new level, with golf swings that has surely sent Bobby Locke into perpetual motion and putting techniques that has Tiger biting his tail, and biting other tails as well. The occasion was the well-known annual Bosch Golf Day, and all had come to be as mad as possible, because collecting money for charity was the name of the game, with the exemplary goal to Make A Difference, and with a total of R51 479 being raised for Robert Bosch South Africa charities, a difference will indeed be made in the lives of those in need. aBr was there to record the events of the day, and we wanted to know a little more about the company’s social conscience and its efforts to assist underprivileged communities. Fortunately, Robert Bosch executive Lilian Hansen had already written a piece on this, and she has kindly allowed us to reprint this: Bosch golf day Celebrating Nelson Mandela Day Some would say she is M.A.D, all for celebrating Nelson Mandela Day. Nelson Mandela said that “We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference.” November 2009 saw the UN General Assembly declare the 18th July “Nelson Mandela International Day”, in recognition of Nelson Mandela’s contribution to peace, equality and freedom, where individuals around the world are encouraged to devote 67 minutes to help others. Andisa Mnyute, a management trainee employed at Robert Bosch challenged herself to Make A Difference, and this included the buy-in of the Bosch Midrand associates to take part in the International Nelson Mandela Day, with only four days to implement the idea into a reality. MAD some would say! The concept was presented to Cindy Hlongwane, our Robert Bosch Human Resources Wellness officer, where the decision was taken to support the Refilwe community project which focuses on child care providing a home for abandoned children, and a community development in which they provide pre-school teaching for children from 2 ½ to 6 years old in the day care centre. In addition, they provide skills development for both personal and professional development. Training is offered in English literacy, numeracy, computer skills, basic life skills and HIV Aids. courage on taking on this challenge, and in inspiring others, and making a difference in other’s lives, and in flying the Bosch flag high. Two opportunities to support were presented to the Bosch Midrand associates: either volunteer at Refilwe devoting 67 minutes or donate various items needed by the organisation. Cross division support at the Midrand office was outstanding, with 12 associates from the Midrand office volunteering and 24 associates donating various items, with the total value of the items donated equating to R10 585. Once again we need to quote Nelson Mandela, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” A special thank you goes out to Andisa Mnyute for her | words in action 60 ➲ Golfing prowess was on show, and some september 2014 tall tales were told