Automotive Business Review February 2015 | Page 44
By Graham Duxbury
Formula One from the Inside
Graham Duxbury is a former
racing driver, champion and TV
commentator. He is featured in
the Hall of Fame at the Daytona
Motor Speedway in the USA.
Here, in 1984, he made history
by winning the famous 24-hour
sports car race in an all-South
African team, partnered by Sarel
van der Merwe and Tony Martin.
Lewis Hamilton:
‘An absolute
According to Prince Harry, 2014 world champion Lewis Hamilton is
“an absolute legend”. He has joined the elite club of British multiple
world champions whose membership includes Jim Clark, Graham Hill
and Sir Jackie Stewart.
owever, wearing huge diamond
stud ear rings, a gold chain worth
in the region of half a million rand
around his neck and a pop star girlfriend
on his arm, Lewis’ heavily tattooed image
is somewhat at odds with those of his
Nevertheless, his second Formula One
world championship title has put the lad
from Stevenage – a less-than-affluent
English town – in a position to become
Britain’s most wealthy active athlete.
According to sponsorship and branding
experts, he could be on track to surpass