Automotive Business Review February 2015 | Page 40
Mu s ic o n th e m ove |
by Austin Gamble
Boom, Boom, Boom,
Boom, get me to my room
Logistics is all about moving something from A to B. That something could be anything, or anyone. And when it comes to
music, you’re talking about moving anything from a hyped up super star to a plane load of equipment.
remember when
Swart discloses
the Rolling
that the tour was
Stones toured
two years in the
South Africa in the
making, with
early 1990’s. If my
memory serves
me correctly, they
and financial
arrived in two
chartered Jumbo
taking the bulk of
Jets, with an
the time. Flights,
entourage of note,
together with the
and venues are
full stage set. I think
the next orde