Automotive Business Review February 2015 | Page 31

Industry News Loyalty is Rewarded The Bosch eXtra retail loyalty program recognises and rewards the performance of registered spare parts retailers. B osch eXtra is a points based loyalty rewards program where loyalty points can be earned and redeemed for incredible rewards such as iPads, smart phones, home theatre systems, kettle braais, ice makers, etc. In order to become a participant, retailers can register via the website,, or complete the registration form with a participating Bosch wholesaler, listed on the website. Participation in Bosch eXtra is free of charge. By logging into the Bosch eXtra website, registered retailers can view their points balance. The Bosch eXtra retail loyalty program was well received in the market. On purchasing eligible Bosch Automotive products from registered Bosch wholesalers, registered retailers start earning points once their wholesaler reports purchase details into the program. ➲ Demi-Leigh welcoming guests ➲ Retail guests learning more about the Bosch eXtra program and meeting the people behind the Bosch products | words in action 29 FEBRUARY 2015