Autobiograpy Of Gnani Purush A.M.Patel Autobiograpy Of Gnani Purush A.M.Patel | Page 32

Questioner : And in the midst of all that , this Gnan manifest within you . That is a wonder .
Dadashri : Gnan happened . I did not have attachment ( mamta ) whatsoever . The problem was only of the ego . The Gnan happened because of no attachment . I did not have a trace of attachment or greed , but if someone were to stir my ego , then I would not spare him . Many people would talk behind my back calling me all kinds of names related to a heavy ego . They used so many adjectives to describe me . I was aware of everything going on behind my back , but I had no attachment and that was my foremost attribute , and very commendable at that ! The ego without attachment was such that it projected aura and power . On the other hand it does not matter how calm and friendly a person maybe , if he has attachment , then he is sunk deep in the worldly life . The joy I experienced was because I did not have any attachment . It is attachment that is the cause of the worldly life , not the ego .
Now I know that I have become ego less . Now , no one needs to do anything to straighten me out .
Questioner : How did you straighten out , Dada ?
Dadashri : People straightened me up by hitting me with all manners of insults , negativities . Some even trapped me in situations from which I had no recourse but soften up . I learnt a lot from these interactions .
Questioner : Did everything start clearing up for you from your past lives ?
Dadashri : It was because I had begun to straighten out in several past lives that I was able to completely do so in this life .
Interest in God , Not in Learning A Foreign Language I told my English teacher , who was a friend of my elder