Autobiograpy Of Gnani Purush A.M.Patel Autobiograpy Of Gnani Purush A.M.Patel | Page 25
more than one Gnani in the world at a time. If there were, it
would create competition between them. To become a Gnani is
a natural occurrence. It just happens. No one can become a
Gnani on his or her own accord.
Gnani Purush is the one who is absolutely liberated. He
is absolutely free and unique. No one can even compare one’s
self to a Gnani. Nor can anyone compete against the Gnani
because he who competes is not a Gnani.
Free From All Bondage Of The Universe
The vitarags have said that one will be freed eternally if
one worships the lotus feet of a Gnani; the One who is absolutely
unrestricted by dravya, kshetra, kaad and bhaav. Dravya is
matter. Kshetra is location. Kaad is time. Bhaav is inner intent.
Such beings can never be held back. These are the only four
things in this world and it is because of these four that the world
exists. However, none of the four can hold down or bind a
Gnani Purush. Lord Mahavira has asked us to worship the feet
of such a person.
No Attachment or Abhorrence, No Renunciation Or
A Gnani is he who has no need to renunciate or acquire.
He is natural amidst these states and is unaffected by them. He
does not have likes or dislikes. He has an extraordinary quality
of not having any attachments or abhorrence.
The Flawless Vision
I do not see anyone in this world as being at fault. Even
if you were to pick my pocket, I will not see you as a thief. I
have compassion towards everyone including the thief and the
murderer. I am beyond all feelings of duality, kindness or pity.
Humans feel p ity. A Gnani Purush does not have any pity.