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Green Propulsion: A Sustainable Approach to Space Travel: As environmental concerns grow on Earth, so too does our commitment to sustainable space exploration. Advancements in green propulsion systems aim to reduce the environmental impact of space missions. Solar sails, for instance, harness the pressure of photons from the Sun to generate thrust, eliminating the need for traditional propellants. These sails offer an eco-friendly alternative for missions beyond our solar system. Another notable development is the exploration of nuclear propulsion. While still in the experimental stage, nuclear thermal and electric propulsion systems show immense promise. They could significantly shorten travel times to distant planets and open up new possibilities for crewed missions to Mars and beyond. In addition to technological advancements, the propulsion sector has seen a surge in commercial competition. In conclusion, advancements in propulsion systems are propelling space exploration into a dynamic era.

Report: Innovations in Spacecraft Technologies | Page 07

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