Auto Boss Vaughan Critical Things To Be Aware Of Before Opting For C | Page 10
1. 5%
If you have a knack for darker tints, this level is up your alley. It is ridiculously dark and mean
that you can’t even see anything past the window even on a sunny day. As you might have
guessed, it only allows a mere 5% of visible light to pass through while blocking the other
95%. Obviously, this is not the best choice for driver front windows as it will greatly
compromise your vision.
2. 20%
This level is notorious with people who want a certain level of privacy without making the
inside of their cars completely dark. Being close to the darker side of the tint level
spectrum, it allows very little light to penetrate hence is ideal for people who want to pass
the message “cannot see the inside of my car ever” message without actually saying it.