Autistic Spectrum Digest (Autism) Issue 7, May 2014 | Page 2

Putting together a magazine each month is no easy feat and full credit goes to my wonderful editor, Shan. Month after month Shan comes up with new and inspiring stories from the spectrum to entertain our readers. This month is no different. We have been collecting quite a few interesting articles over the past couple of months that focus on some rather amazing artists that we are sharing with you in Edition 7. We have also wanted to make the publication look more like a magazine and less like an eBook and so we are moving to a two column style for the iPad edition. The other version will remain single for easier reading on a smaller device. You’ll be noticing some other style changes over the next couple of months that I think you will appreciate. After a landmark autism awareness month for us at home where the whole family actually got involved in a fun day to involve the general public and educate them about autism, I’m feeling genuinely optimistic about the future and progression of education and care for those with autism. We’re both thrilled to bring you an edition filled with art, and the spectacular artists on the spectrum who have a rare and unique gift for portraying life through their eyes. I remember learning a huge lesson when I was younger in understanding that we all have different perceptions of life. We are all on the spectrum somewhere, and we should be as respectful and mindful of other people’s opinions as they are of ours. Our autism community is a strong one, and many voices are certain to enlighten those who do not embrace change!