Autism Research Report Autism Research Project Final | Page 26

Chart 4 Chart 5 I asked if people if they make friends easily in ‘Chart 4’ and over 46% people say no while other 16% people are not conclusive if they actually make friends pretty easily. After this question I asked people if they feel different from others in ‘Chart 5’ and over 42% people resonded with yes and over 26% said maybe. When looked over individual responses it was surprising to find that Autistic people are the ones who mostly replied with a ‘No’. Chart 6 Chart 7 I asked if people if they feel scially excluded as shown in ‘Chart 6’ and over 54% people said while over 27% people are not conclusive about the same. After this question I asked people if they feel alone in ‘Chart 7’ and over 77% people resonded with yes. When looked over individual responses it was surprising to find that Autistic people are the ones who mostly replied with a ‘No’ as an answer.