Autism Research Report Autism Research Project Final | Page 15

The other major area is Restricted and Repetitive Behaviour/ interests/ activities which is pretty wide as a topic as it includes some known behaviour information as well as some other patterns that are still not known. This category caters to the following signs shown by the individuals: 1. Flapping hands, Imitating word or phrases, lining up toys, books, stationery, office supplies in a ritual sort of way. 2. People are generally stuck on some routine like taking up same route to the school or work place. 3. It also includes restrictive thinking pattern where individuals usually have specific or in depth knowledge of something that have interested them a lot like maybe Titanic, Airplanes, Airplane Crashes, Presidents of America and what not. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder show either one or more of these symptoms that is divided by the spectrum of severity. Each individual show unique spectrum of symptoms. The severity of impact on Autistics can be controlled by early diagnostic and special therapy. It is easy to detect symptoms of Autism in case of children as caretakers like parents/teachers notice the changes pretty quickly. The term used for defining the severity of autism is called as “being on the spectrum”. Aspergers Syndrome is a condition where individuals show all the symptoms of being Autistic but are actually individuals with exceptional abilities. These are generally categorised as high functioning autistics and are more or less comfortable in the environment while even though they might be showing all the symptoms but their day to day task performance doesn’t easily let people recognise them as autistic individuals. On the other hand there are people who are at a very severe side of the spectrum with significant disability and thus they are not capable of living independently. It is found that about one-third of the autistic population is non verbal but can learn to communicate through other mediums. Visual cards are one of the most important means of their early communication. It all just differs from person to person depending on how severe they are on basis of diagnosis. 12