Autism Research Report Autism Research Project Final | Page 11

As per the brief given by The National Autistic society to remove the stigma and misconception for Autistic people and appreciating the people behind the label. The National Autism society believes in a better world for people suffering because of the misconceptions created by other people around Autism. A lot of people know about Autism but that doesn’t mean they understand it. That’s where my brain storming started and I came with the statement “Are we Autistic to find normal people Autistic”. My research revolves around bringing out the similarities between all of us as humans instead of focusing on labels to differentiate between each other. The following research is collected on the basis of information collected from different webpages, case studies, meeting Autistic people, going to special schools, talking to people, psychologists and getting information to understand Autism and not just know what Autism is. I have presented facts and statistics collected from people who are both Autistic and Normal to bring out the major similarity area in between all of us as a whole. The whole challenge to my research revolves around the idea of how hard it is to make people realise how others who are on the spectrum feel. Creating something for people to feel the emotional gap they put in by discriminating people on the basis of labels might just help them feel some empathy for those who are on the spectrum. Autism is something that’s not like common cold which is easy to understand and relatable enough at the same time. Autism is a whole new story of being different in every single case, they are proud to be different and so are we. It is said that every individual person is different and the same implies to everyone who are autistic. There are so many myths and stereotypes associated with Autistic people that makes them feel unappreciated and isolated. Society needs to be more empathic towards them and should start welcoming them because after all they are one of us if we see it that way instead of narrowing our perceptions and constraining our ability to decide what’s right for not just for us but for everyone. The target is to create empathy amongst everyone by making them stand in the shoes of those at the spectrum. 8