Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 74 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 23

PERSONAL NARRATIVE Video Games: The Good And The Bad for Aspies By Alan D.D. O nce upon a time, there was a guy who didn’t like to go outside. That guy was me. Being outside scared me, not in the liter- al sense of the phrase, but I did feel uneasy when I wasn’t in my house. I had a good time once in a while, but there were times when I said, “That’s it, enough for me,” and then I went back, took a bath, and sat down on the computer. While I don’t consider myself a gamer, I certainly en- joy playing video games, and if they’re in the tower defense category, I can easily spend one or two hours on it, maybe more. I’ve never thought seriously about the subject, never gave it that much attention, but I’ve been feeling better these days, resting more, feeling better in the mornings, and having more appetite. The reason? I’m playing video games a little more often. Before I go further into this, I want to make it clear I’m not an expert; I don’t study psychology, medicine, or anything similar. Although I don’t believe a degree makes a better person, I make a big exception when it comes to medical terms. This is just my point of view on something that has happened to me. Being an Aspie makes me obsessive at times. I’ve fo- cused on music, films, TV series, topics, even Wikipe- dia, at certain times in my life. I love to feel in control, that I can have a power of choice and make things whatever I want them to be. It makes me sound vil- lainous, I know, but that’s how I can describe it best. Playing games allow me to use my whole mind, to the point of feeling annoyed if I lose and like the king of the world if I win—as if I were a five-year-old kid. To live in a digital world offers me an escape, a brief rest from my daily life and duties. Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 74 | 23