Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 72 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 29

My child should be able to pick up social skills easily
My child needs more stimulation
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7 . that illustrate concepts . Many children with autism cannot process verbal instructions ; they need to be shown the steps , sometimes many times over before the patterns and expected behavior can occur . The child might not take in information if it ’ s presented verbally . If it ’ s not written down or visually presented through graphics or pictures , he / she will not retain it . Flashcards , pictures , and words are all excellent tools for students who learn visually .
If you give an endless string of oral directions , you might be tempted to think the child is not paying attention , or that he / she is defiant or troublesome by not listening . Many children with autism find it difficult to understand and follow spoken directions . Think about ways you can present directions visually , rather than expecting him / her to try harder to understand your verbal directions . Please don ’ t presume the child is not trying or try and convince him / her to try harder .

My child should be able to pick up social skills easily

It might look like the child doesn ’ t want to play with other kids at recess , but it may be that he / she just doesn ’ t know how to initiate a conversation or join in play in ways that are understandable to others . Most children with autism desire to have friendships , but they need help to develop the social skills necessary for interacting with their peers . Children with autism find it extremely difficult to interact with their peers . They have trouble reading body language and understanding social cues from others . Promoting positive interactions with peers is important for the child ’ s development .
Teach the child how to play with others , and encourage other children to invite him / her into their activities . The child might long to be included but just doesn ’ t know how to engage . Model appropriate ways for him / her to join peers . Provide structure and support in social interactions . Developing social skills will help with language and cognitive development as well .

My child needs more stimulation

The child ’ s brain is constantly working overtime to accommodate overwhelming environmental stimuli , from noise to lights , to social cues , to changes in regular activities and routines . If he / she seems tired , it ’ s because … well … the child is tired . He / She doesn ’ t fall asleep easily . At night it can sometimes take two hours to get to sleep because the child gets out of bed a lot and the parent has to tuck him / her back in numerous times before he / she finally goes down . The child goes through a lot every day . So if he / she seems tired , don ’ t try to pep the child up .
Not only can overstimulation make bedtime and sleeping difficult , but it can result in shutdowns or meltdowns during the day . Look for ways to help the child deal with the overstimulation , rather than providing consequences for “ misbehavior .” The child is not defiant or misbehaving on purpose — he / she is merely coping with the overstimulation in the only way he / she knows how . Find ways to help the child cope .
This list is not exhaustive . I ’ ve heard many parents express their desires for teachers to understand their perspective , and this list is a just a summary of the most frequent responses . Educators , if by some fortunate circumstance you have students with autism in your classroom , take the time to get to know your students ’ strengths and areas of need , and be intentional about doing all you can to encourage and support your students and their families . Be a part of dispelling the myths commonly associated with children who have autism .
Dr Robin LaBarbera , PhD , is a professor of special education and the director of the online special education credential program at Biola University . Her research interests include the experiences of stress , resilience , and coping among caregivers of children with autism . Her textbook , Educating students with autism spectrum disorders : Partnering with families for positive outcomes with Sage Publications , will be available in January 2018 .
Program : http :// education . biola . edu / grad / programs / credentials / special-education-credential / Twitter : https :// twitter . com / doktarobin
30 | Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 72