Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 68(Member's Dashboard) | Page 69

FINANCIAL PLANNING  Parents have additional health care needs them- selves that must be considered. I am sure you can think of even more. Not only does family life move fast and change come swiftly, but so does the macro-landscape. It is the changes in the macro-landscape that families must keep abreast of because it is these changes that many times will require a change to the individual family plan. For example, there have been significant adjust- ments in choices in the past three years when it comes to planning for the future as well as others that contin- ue to be discussed: benefits so that your loved one’s plan and life- time support needs are still provided for even if government benefits and services are reduced. When the pace of change is considered, it is critical that families stay on top of these changes or secure a team of specializing professionals that they rely on to keep them informed and keep their plan up to date.  ABLE accounts are now available as savings tools for individuals with disabilities. These accounts also come with certain rules that need to be un- derstood so that families are not surprised at a later date, and so that these accounts are used properly without making mistakes.  The Defense Authorization Act now allows a ben- eficiary of a military pension to be a specific type of Special Needs Trust so that the child of a career US military professional can continue to receive the Survivor pension into this specific Special Needs Trust without negatively impacting his/ her qualification for other government benefits.  Under a law passed at the end of 2016, an indi- vidual under the age of 65 with a disability under can create his/her own Special Needs Trust. Previ- ously, Special Needs Trusts could only be created by a parent, grandparent, legal guardian, or the court. This again allows additional flexibility, es- pecially if an adult with a disability who is his/her own guardian receives an inheritance that would cause them to lose his/her necessary govern- ment benefits. Now he/she has an option to cre- ate his/her own Special Needs Trust, transfer the inheritance to the Special Needs Trust, and save his/her life-supporting government benefits.  HealthCare reform has not been resolved. The discussions continue to include cuts to Medic- aid and services to those with disabilities, which would mean major changes to the planning for your loved one. With that in mind, planning should now consider changes to government For more information on how to prepare for the fu- ture, be sure to contact a financial advisor who spe- cializes in serving families with special needs. A Spe- cial Needs Plan is driven by what is called Unleash L.I.F.E.™—Lasting Independence For Everyone™. This is accomplished with education, action, and support in the creation, implementation, and continued mon- itoring of a specifically designed lifelong and integrat- ed plan for your family of parents, caregivers, your loved one with special needs, and his/her siblings. 101 N. McDowell Street, Suite 120 Charlotte, NC 28204 704-326-7910 Ryan F. Platt MBA, ChFC, ChSNC is a registered repre- sentative of and offers securities, investment advisory, and financial planning through MML Investors Ser- vices, LLC, member SIPC. A Special Needs Plan is not subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investors Services, LLC, or its affiliated companies. This article is not a recom- mendation or endorsement of any products. Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 68 | 69