Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 65(Member's Dashboard) | Page 60

WHAT'S NEW ON THE BOOKSHELF? New Book Encourages Friendship and Care for the Natural World John, Robert and The Horseshoe Crab Book I & II T his new book promotes the values of friend- ship, collaboration, and care of the natural world. This is a true story about two friends who came across a helpless horseshoe crab that was wedged inside the beam of a wood- en fence. The two boys share their feelings about the situation. They communicate and work to- gether to free the helpless animal. They show com- passion for the horseshoe crab and free it from the fence. They each have done something out of the kindness of their own hearts. After the horseshoe crab swims freely back into the bay, the two boys feel proud about what they have accomplished together. They feel good about them- selves for giving this horseshoe crab a second chance at life. They have achieved something together that they may not have been able to do alone. Available now on: Amazon eBay Xlibris Barnes and Noble 60 | Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 65 John Repp has loved to write and has had a unique and genuine way of expressing his feelings and putting them down on paper since he was 16 years old. He especially enjoys writing poems, short sto- ries, lyrics, and songs. As John was growing up in a small suburban town on Long Island, he did not read much and as a result, did not develop his writ- ing skills. It was only after he attended college and majored in 18 th & 19 th -century English literature that he was inspired to learn and grow as a writer, and his literary and writing skills improved dramatically. His appreciation for creative writing continues to- day and has become a very personal and gratifying hobby.