Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 65(Member's Dashboard) | Page 58

AUTISM THERAPY the therapist will tell a story on what the object is doing, and then after that story, the therapist may ask the child to tell a story about that ob- ject. The good thing about Autistic Touch Ther- apy is that the therapist can conduct sessions in an office or at a client’s house. After the first touch therapy session with the child, the ther- apist might give the parents some information on the activities completed together so they can work with the child later, especially if the child isn’t sleeping well. 2. the Son-Rise Program, horse therapy, music therapy, and even yoga, that will help an au- tistic child. If you want to learn more, feel free to contact me and I will try to explain in more detail. It is my mission and goal in life to help my community in any way that I can. Tibetan Singing Bowls Tibetan Singing Bowls are known to be the old- est and most natural form of healing to man. The bowls work through vibrations which has a calming effect on the nervous system and can travel deep into our body to penetrate the bones. We get a healing effect from the vibra- tions that a therapist could never get from his/ her hands. Some of the benefits of the Tibetan Bowls are stress reduction through deep relax- ation and endorphin release. They are said to liberate emotional traumas locked within the subconscious, activating self-healing mecha- nisms within the body, promote deeper sleep, and provide relief from headache, fatigue, in- somnia, digestive disorders, joint or muscle aches, menstrual disorders, and emotional imbalances. A typical session for a child with autism lasts for about 30 minutes, and just like the autistic touch therapy, the therapist will get to know the child and his/her family first, and will let the child see the bowls and feel the vibration of them to see if he/she wants to participate. If that child wants a bowl session done, then the therapist would ask if he/she just wants to feel the vibration while the bowls are tapped or if he/she want the therapist to put the bowls on him/her. A bowl session can also be done along with Autistic Touch Thera- py. Of course, parents will remain in the room for this therapy as well. As you can see, these two therapies may ben- efit your child with autism along with an ABA, OT, and speech therapy session. A Tibetan Bowl session or an Autistic Touch Therapy session can be done before a child sees his/her regular therapist to help him/her calm. There are many different types of autistic therapies including 58 | Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 65 Resources: International Academy of Sound Healing at: Autistic Touch Therapy Manual Meredith Siskron is from Shreveport, Louisiana where she is an autistic touch therapist, childcare specialist, certified children yoga instructor, a li- cense massage therapist, water aero- bics instructor, Tibetan Singing Bowl Sound Healer, and a children fitness instructor. She grew up know- ing she had a learning disability. It wasn’t until she was into her mid to late 20s that she was finally di- agnosed with a form of autism called PDD-NOS or Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. Facebook Twitter Tumblr Email