Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 65(Member's Dashboard) | Page 5

CONTRIBUTE Autism Parenting Magazine D o you have a story to share? Perhaps you have in- formation that would be helpful to other parents with ASD kids and want to share the info. Why not share your story/info with us? Autism Parenting Magazine wants parents and caregivers to unite to help each other. Our writing guidelines are simple. Ideally, the topic needs to be relevant to the magazine. Any topic that is related to parenting a child with au- tism or being a person on the spectrum that is parent- ing would be a relevant topic. Released on a monthly basis, the magazine features the latest news, tips, and advice for parents of children with autism. With helpful advice that covers subjects like: behavioral tips, sensory processing issues, mitigating meltdowns, special edu- cation needs and getting access to services, we are con- fident that the magazine will become a must read for parents of children with autism. We do ask that you submit a topic, title or idea of the ar- ticle to make sure that someone hasn’t already covered the same thing by emailing the editor. You may use a blog post that you have posted on your blog already. THE ARTICLE SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 300 WORDS. FONT DOES NOT MATTER. WE DO ASK THAT IF YOU USE SOURCES TO PLEASE CITE YOUR SOURCES AT THE END OF YOUR ARTICLE TO AVOID PLAGIARISM. At the end of your article please include a few sentences about yourself and your writing or autism related back- ground with links to your site or products. Please note that we cannot post your article with- out a small bio. So please do not forget to send a few sentences about yourself with your article. If you have something interesting or informative to share please email [email protected].