Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 65(Member's Dashboard) | Page 48

PERSONAL NARRATIVE For the past four years, my son has visited a child psychiatrist. I have watched the doctors put him on six different medications during this time, hoping it would help him—from Focalin to Adderall to Abilify. For the past four years, my son has visited a child psychiatrist. I have watched the doctors put him on six different medications during this time, hoping it would help him—from Focalin, to Adderall, to Abili- fy. The worst of three, Abilify, led to daily meltdowns that left me being punched in the gut, kicked in the shins, and bitten on the arms. I dealt with a child who would leave me in the store and lead me on a chase that left me in tears. Timeouts and punishment didn’t work. I was dealing with a green-eyed monster, and it was all thanks to a medication that was supposed to help him and not make him worse. Desperate for help, I reached out to the doctor who placed him back on the Adderall, but still I face a hyper child. With the medications wearing off so quickly, I am left dealing with a child bouncing off the walls. So where do you turn when medications aren’t working? Do you watch their diet? Do you do turn to home reme- dies? These are the questions I continually asked my- self until I found another method—art. Having struggled with ADHD and high-functioning autism myself as a child, I found solace in art, which proved to be the exact therapy that I needed. Armed with canvas boards and paints, I sat my hyperactive son down and handed him a paintbrush. At first he studied it before dipping it into a dark blue color and stroking it across the canvas. When he giggled and aimed the brush at me threatening to flick paint, I immediately directed him back to the canvas and en- couraged him to flick the paint there instead. Soon I saw an array of colors splattered across the canvas, and I was amazed. From that moment on my son became focused on art. He pleaded for sketchbooks and colored pencils—begged me for more canvas and paints. He had me watch as he used his fingers instead of the brushes, thus giving it a whole new look. It’s been almost four months since we began art therapy and my son and I are still painting together. We are still creating works of art that are hung across the walls. Recently the local art association asked both of us to host our own art exhibit, and it is some- thing that has motivated my son even more. Though there are still the occasional meltdowns when Mom- my says, “No, you can’t have that toy,” there are days when I sit and watch him express himself through painting and, recently, sculpting. Art therapy has proven to the be the exact method that I needed to keep my son calm, and though we have those mo- ments of outbursts and not listening, we also have those bonding moments of self-expression that have made our relationship stronger than it’s ever been. Destiny Eve Pifer is a journalist who currently writes for her hometown newspaper The Punxsutawney Spirit. She has her own monthly column called Mapping My Destiny, in which she writes about her adventures as a mother. Her work has appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies. It’s been almost four months since we began art therapy and my son and I are still painting together. We are still creating works of art that are hung across the walls. Recently the local art association asked both of us to host our own art exhibit, and it is something that has motivated my son even more. 48 | Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 65