Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 65(Member's Dashboard) | Page 31

AUTISM SOLUTIONS Easy Ways to Teach Important Language and Leisure Skills By Rosemarie GRIFFIN, CCC/SLP, BCBA Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) benefit from direct instruction regarding leisure skills and the language that is embedded throughout these activities. D r. Mark and Cindy Sundberg recently pre- sented on this topic and noted play pro- vides a comfortable and natural way for parents and children to interact. In addi- tion, children with autism and other lan- guage needs may demonstrate deficits in play skills, especially social play skills. When our children do not engage in play/leisure activities, they are missing out on a natural way to work on language instruc- tion. As students get older, this lack of leisure skills can cause them to feel isolated and to not have as many social opportunities as other children. When we incor- porate these skills into daily family routines, our chil- dren can learn so much. I have always targeted leisure skills in my work as a speech language pathologist. But one student in par- ticular made me want to share this information with other families. I was working with a student on how to play a modified game of Connect 4. The student would Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 65 | 31