Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 65(Member's Dashboard) | Page 29

Exam Concessions
EDUCATION way to help recall information , and using certain colors can aid the memory . They can do this themselves with some plain paper and colored pens . Creating the notes is good revision , and then it ’ s presented in a much clearer way for when they come to revise .
As a child , these methods definitely helped me . I struggled to revise long pieces of writing , even though I loved to read ! One thing I didn ’ t struggle to remember was anything that was put on the wall in classrooms . I can still recall a range of classroom posters that were on the walls in school , mainly because they had pictures on them and the points were laid out clearly .
Another way to revise is to make it a game . Even teenagers would rather play a game than read notes , and who can blame them ? Luckily , today ’ s teens with autism have access to a wide range of technology that can help them . From mobile apps to specialized revision websites , there are many different ways to learn information . It ’ s about finding what is appropriate for your child . Ask the school if it uses any apps in classes , and encourage your child to use the same technology at home , too .
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This is a big one .
Most pupils get anxious about exams , but if you have autism , then things are even more difficult .
Most children will be concerned about what the questions will be , but pupils with autism can worry about a whole lot more !
First , let ’ s think about where the exam will take place . For a formal exam , such as a General Certificate of Secondary Education ( GCSE ), pupils will usually be taken out of their normal classrooms and placed in a large room with rows of desks . There will usually be an entire year group placed in this room to take the exam , and pupils are usually in alphabetical order .
I can ’ t imagine a more challenging place to do such an important test .
Not only are you surrounded by far more pupils than normal , but you are also sitting at a single desk that creaks and rattles ! If you are unlucky enough to be sat in the middle of a row , then there may be people surrounding you on all sides .
Every desk is creaking and groaning through lack of use , there are chairs squeaking and dragging on the
floor , and it feels like you can hear every cough and sneeze taking place around you . And don ’ t even get me started on the squeaky doors that the staff come in and out of . No matter how quietly they try to sneak in , believe me , they ’ ve probably already distracted the children with autism — if not others !
Some rooms are well lit , some are not . Some rooms are warm , others aren ’ t . Some rooms are freezing in the winter when mock exams are taken and then baking in the summer heat when the actual exams roll around .
Heat can then lead to other issues , as 100 + pupils in one room for two hours in the summer will start to sweat . If you are particularly sensitive to smells , it may become almost impossible to concentrate .
So , what ’ s the answer ?
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Exam Concessions

Here in the UK , it is possible to apply for pupils to be considered for ‘ exam concessions ’ if they have special educational needs . Some pupils with low reading capabilities can be considered for a reader in all subjects except English . Other pupils may need the question paper enlarged due to vision difficulties .
For those with autism , one of the main concessions is a smaller exam room . They still complete the exam at the same time as everyone else , but they are in a smaller , more familiar room . They may not be alone , as there may be several pupils who need a smaller
Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 65 | 29