Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 65(Member's Dashboard) | Page 26

AUTISM AWARENESS From mealtime supervisors, to teaching assistants, to classroom teachers, to senior leadership teams, everyone is working to create more autism-friendly schools throughout the country. They attend after-school training, create specialized and tailored plans, and regularly work with specialist consultants, who guide them in creating the structure that children with autism need to feel a part of the class. asks her to play kickball, but Julia isn’t keen. Abby ponders how to play with Julia and finally realizes it’s best to find a game they can both enjoy doing, which is flapping their arms and pretending to be butterflies. Both of the children enjoy the same ac- tivity, which plays to both of their strengths. But, of course, unlike on Sesame Street, this doesn’t happen without careful planning and input from school staff. From mealtime supervisors, to teaching assistants, to classroom teachers, to senior leadership teams, everyone is working to create more autism-friend- ly schools throughout the country. They attend af- ter-school training, create specialized and tailored plans, and regularly work with specialist consultants, who guide them in creating the structure that chil- dren with autism need to feel a part of the class. A fantastic example of providing structure for chil- dren with autism who may struggle with free play is the creation of Zoned Playgrounds. These are play- grounds divided into different activity zones, in- cluding ballgames, a Lego table, a drawing area, or simply a chatting area. A child with autism can then be supported to choose an arranged activity, rather than having to devise one. More organically, some Key Stage 2 classes have chosen novels with autis- tic protagonists, such as The Spaghetti Detectives and The London Eye Mystery, as their class readers. This includes everyone. The class learns more about au- tism, and autistic children can read about someone just like them. School staff also work hard to adapt the school en- vironment to suit the needs of their students with autism. They allow children to leave the classroom during the noisiest times of day (e.g. tidy up time), to avoid noisy hand-dryers and use paper towels 26 | Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 65 instead, to go to lunch 10 minutes before everyone else to avoid the noisy crowds, or to sit on a chair instead of on the ground during Carpet Time and fid- get with a fiddle toy. Another highly-effective way of highlighting autism as a ‘hidden disability’ is through a planned series of Autism Peer Awareness (APA) sessions. In fact, research has shown that children are more under- standing and accepting of their peers with disabili- ties when they are equipped with knowledge about those disabilities and have some personal experi- ences with them (Lindsay and Edwards, 2013). Autism Peer Awareness lesson plans can include the following topics: − How we are all different − Visible and hidden disabilities − Learning to use Makaton and the Picture Ex- change Communication System (PECS) − Reading a case-study or a book about a simi- lar-aged student with autism − Celebrating the strengths of people with au- tism − Highlighting well-known people with autism − Visiting a special school for children with au- tism − Presenting a whole-school assembly about au- tism Jan Greenman, author and mother of a son named Luke Dicker with autism, has said that at school, ‘One person can make all the difference.’ Indeed, there are individuals throughout the UK quietly working to improve the lives of their students with autism. They