Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 65(Member's Dashboard) | Page 17

I Wish I Had Known When My Son Started College By Colleen HITTLE M y 24-year-old son, Sean, was diag- nosed with Asperger’s syndrome at eight years old. He graduated with a degree in informatics from Indiana University in Bloomington, IN, in 2017. Sean is a voracious reader, writer, and standup comic whose greatest plea- sure is correcting his mother’s use of the English language. Now that Sean has successfully complet- ed his degree, I thought it would be helpful to other families to share some of the important things I wish I had known as a parent when he first headed off to college: 1. Sean’s reason for going to college was to actu- ally LEARN, not to earn a degree, socialize, or date. Sean attended IU for six years and never attended a college football game, basketball game, or ‘barn dance.’ Sean graduated with- out regrets, on his terms, on his schedule. 2. He would not self-report about class work, grades, work, or academic progress toward graduation accurately—not because he didn’t care, but because his reason for attending college was to LEARN, not to get an ‘A’ (see #1 above). Sean rarely remembered to check his grades at all and was astonished to learn he had made the Dean’s List. Oh, and then he FORGOT he had made the Dean’s List. I doubt he knew his overall GPA or even cared. 3. I needed to be on a first name basis with his academic advisor. You and your child will need to get a release signed with the university so you can access academic records and add/drop options. That way, you can be included on the Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 65 | 17