Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 52 | Page 3

Editor ’ s Letter

Everyone needs a voice — everyone deserves an opportunity to tell his / her story . When people are provided with an outlet for expression , it allows for greater understanding and acceptance .

In light of this , we ’ ve dedicated this issue of Autism Parenting Magazine to celebrating the voices of people who aren ’ t always heard . We are thrilled to feature five writers diagnosed with autism who have generously shared their very personal narratives with us . It ’ s our hope their words will encourage more people on the spectrum to express themselves — and perhaps inspire more people to listen .
First , we would like to introduce you to a well-known musician , painter , and writer named Yap who shares his jour- ney with Asperger ’ s syndrome . Be sure to read his deepest thoughts on how the surrounding world leaves his mind in a constant state of resonance in My Voice : Why I Hide . We are also happy to feature the work of 14-year-old Nick Turziano , who is diagnosed with Asperger ’ s syndrome and makes a difference in his community every day through volunteerism . Please take a look at his piece , My Voice : Why Autism in My Gift , as this dynamic young man describes autism as a gift from which all people can learn .
Another important voice that ought to be heard is 15-yearold Zachary Stoner , also diagnosed with Asperger ’ s syndrome . While he admits to battling with control and concentration in his piece My Voice : How Autism Has Made Me Who I Am , he says life on the spectrum has also provided him with an amazing imagination and meaningful friendships . For another inspirational viewpoint , take a look at Carla Burn ’ s piece called My Voice : Conquering the Beginning . This young woman , now involved in a group that works to empower people on the spectrum , describes the challenges she experienced growing up and how she worked to follow her dreams with Asperger ’ s syndrome .
We also are happy to share a piece with you called My Voice : Following My Special Life Dream , written by Kaelynn Partlow . You will continue to be inspired as you learn about Kaelynn ’ s journey toward working with children with autism after being diagnosed with dyslexia , dyscalculia , dysgraphia , ADHD , autism , sensory processing disorder , and visual processing disorder as a young girl . Her experiences , she says , have given her a unique edge in working with clients today .
With a new school year beginning for many young people , we are eager to share a piece written by a woman with Asperger ’ s syndrome whose perspective may help your family with the transition . Take a look at Leanne Strong ’ s article called Super Social Stories to Use in the New School Year for social stories that center on friendship , riding the school bus , and preparing for middle school . Her firsthand experience speaks volumes .
Another important topic as the kids head back to school is safety . Chances are , you have heard of the mobile game sen- sation known as Pokémon GO . While there are many benefits to playing Pokémon GO , there are also some safety concerns connected to the game , especially as older kids head out the door for school with their smartphones . Please take a look at Sarah Kupferschmidt ’ s professional advice on ways to help your child stay protected in Simple Ways to Make Pokémon GO Safe with Autism .
An additional subject that warrants attention as your child spends more time away from home is sexuality . Please take a look at Joseph Pangaro ’ s Smart Ways to Deal with Sexuality and Autism , as the director of school safety and security for a large school district provides important precautions to take as a child matures into an adult . His advice is valuable for all families .
In celebration of both a new school year and National Grandparent ’ s Day celebrated this month , Deanna Picon ’ s has prepared a piece for us called 5 Ways For Back To School Success With Your Special Needs Grandchild which provides simple tips for grandparents who want to play a vital and proactive role in their grandchildren ’ s lives . Deanna ’ s advice is perfect for sharing with the people you love .
In addition to professional guidance , personal narratives and safety articles this month , be sure to check out our informative articles about exercise , tips for traveling , cool art projects , and advice on ways to improve executive functioning .
We would like to take a moment to thank both our dedicated writers as well as our subscribers for coming together to create such a special autism community . I have worked for many publications throughout my career , and I consider working as Editor-in-Chief of Autism Parenting Magazine the past two years the most gratifying .
Wishing everyone a smooth end to summer and happy beginnings .
Kind regards , Amy KD Tobik Editor-in-Chief
Disclaimer : Autism Parenting Magazine tries its best to deliver honest , unbiased reviews , resources , and advice but please note that due to the variety of capabilities of people on the spectrum that these are recommendations and are not guaranteed by Autism Parenting Magazine or its writers . Medical information , including but not limited to , text , graphics , images and other material contained within Autism Parenting Magazine is for informational purposes only . Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding a treatment .