Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 47(Member's Dashboard) | Page 3

Editor ’ s Letter Dear Readers , One of the greatest challenges and blessings in life is the role of mom . The position requires an enormous amount of patience , dedication , compassion , endurance and trust . We work hard , we worry , we love unconditionally . It ’ s a role I have treasured for more than 20 years .

In commemoration of Mother ’ s Day , a holiday recognized in more than 40 countries around the world , we asked moms to share their special experiences with us . Mothering a child with special needs can be a physically and mentally exhausting job — and at the same time — it can be so rewarding .
Deborah Marcello , the mother of a child with autism , feels much the same way . In her piece , Special Needs Mothers Have Special Powers , Deborah highlights the value of mothers who rely on extraordinary perception , intuition , and super-human strength to meet everyday challenges . Special needs moms , she says , are the driving force behind a child ’ s achievement and they never take for granted the hard work required . It ’ s what moms do .
We also have an article from occupational therapist and author Lauren Brukner who shares stories from her journey as a mom . Be sure to read Is There Really Such a Thing as the Perfect Parent ? as she reveals how parenting is not a perfect process — nor should it be . Instead , Lauren says families should focus on what makes them unique – from their strengths to their quirks . This , she says , is the spark that makes families the best they can be .
Special needs mother Kathleen Tarzwell has provided a poignant piece for us on her emotional journey with her son with autism who weighed less than two pounds at birth and has battled his way through 24 surgeries and four life-changing diagnoses . Be sure to read A Powerful Look at Motherhood : Being Mom Without the Adjective that Precedes It as Kathleen reveals her most cherished role — Mom .
As mothers of children diagnosed with autism well know , parenting requires an enormous amount of time , finances and coping strategies . Too often , time for adult friends , exercise or relaxation on a weekend just doesn ’ t happen . That ’ s why it ’ s so important parents attempt to carve out those moments to unwind a little , regroup . A vital ingredient in “ good mothering ” includes caring for yourself — a healthy mom is a strong mom .
We were thrilled when licensed clinical psychologist and board certified behavior analyst Darren Sush offered to share his guidance on ways parents can better care for themselves . Stress , anxiety and depression , he said , may not only negatively impact the life of parents , but also affect the progress of children . Be sure to take a look at his piece , Expert Strategies You Need to Know for Taking Care of Your Mental Health as he provides simple ways to improve daily life by reducing tension and forming a more positive outlook .
We are also happy to provide the advice of Dr . Neill Broderick and Colin Rhodes , M . Sc . in their piece , Using Mindfulness to Conquer Parental Stress Now . Together they give expert guidance on how parents can reduce stress through Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction to include practicing gratitude and meditation .
One of the most rewarding aspects of being editor of Autism Parenting Magazine is hearing from our readers — people who want to share their experiences loving someone on the spectrum or being on the spectrum themselves . This month we have a very dramatic piece written by Rebekah Price called The Meltdown : When the World Becomes a Blur of Colors and Deafening Screams . At 15 years old , Rebekah articulately shares her first-hand account of what it feels like to have a meltdown . It ’ s a piece that should be shared with all people to create a better understanding of autism .
Parents of children with autism often reach out to us asking for guidance on improving social skills . While we do have articles that center on improving social interaction with autism , we have decided to dedicate a monthly column to the subject called The Social Skills Corner . In the first installment , Jamie E . Carter , Ph . D . and Ahna I . O ’ Shaughnessy , M . A ., authors of PREP for Social Success : A Guide for Parents of Children with Autism , explain how sensory issues can affect social skills . We hope this monthly installment will provide our readers with the much-needed guidance they seek .
Speaking of expert guidance , this month ’ s issue also features articles on the benefits of special education , ways to communicate with a non-verbal child , as well as fantastic job interview tips for people on the autism spectrum . We also have excellent advice on ensuring good dental health care for your child , how hormones can cause behavioral changes on the pink side of the spectrum as well as ways to develop better relationships and a positive sense of self . We hope the articles will provide our families with the information they need .
We have one more article we would like to highlight . Have you seen the heartwarming video of six-year-old Iris Grace and her delightful cat , Thula ? Not only has this kitty become a constant companion to the young girl with autism , but she has stimulated an amazing breakthrough in communication and social skills . Please take a look at How an Amazing Cat Changed My Child with Autism ’ s World as Arabella Carter-Johnson , mother to Iris Grace , describes the special bond between her daughter and their Maine Coon cat and how it has transformed their family . Arabella has also provided excerpts from her new book , Iris Grace .
Wishing all mothers the love and appreciation they so richly deserve this month — and always .
Kind regards ,
Amy KD Tobik Editor-in-Chief
Disclaimer : Autism Parenting Magazine tries its best to deliver honest , unbiased reviews , resources , and advice but please note that due to the variety of capabilities of people on the spectrum that these are recommendations and are not guaranteed by Autism Parenting Magazine or its writers . Medical information , including but not limited to , text , graphics , images and other material contained within Autism Parenting Magazine is for informational purposes only . Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding a treatment .