Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 44(Member's Dashboard) | Page 57

Application Period Now Open : Funds will enable parents , individuals with autism , siblings , teachers , therapists , students and others to attend the world ’ s leading autism research conference .

Act Fast : Grants Available to Attend International Meeting for Autism Research

Application Period Now Open : Funds will enable parents , individuals with autism , siblings , teachers , therapists , students and others to attend the world ’ s leading autism research conference .

The Autism Science Foundation , a not-forprofit organization dedicated to supporting and funding autism research , today announced that is offering a limited number of grants to parents of children with autism , individuals with autism , siblings , special education teachers , students and other stakeholders to support attendance at the International Meeting for Autism Research ( IMFAR ), to be held in Baltimore , Maryland from May 12-14 , 2016 . Awards of up to $ 1,000 can be used to support reimbursement for registration fees , travel , accommodations , meals and other directly related expenses , including childcare or special accommodations to enable individuals with autism to participate .

IMFAR is an annual scientific meeting convened each spring to promote , exchange and disseminate the latest scientific findings in autism research and to stimulate research progress in understanding the nature , causes , and treatments for autism spectrum disorders . IMFAR is the annual meeting of the International Society for Autism Research ( INSAR ). Awardees will be expected to provide a written summary of their observations and experiences to share with the general public .
“ We are thrilled to be able to offer this program for the sixth year in a row and to give back to the autism stakeholder community in a research-focused way ,” said Alison Singer , president of the Autism Science Foundation . “ Stakeholders play an important role at IMFAR and it is a unique and important opportunity for stakeholders and researchers to share ideas that move research forward .”
To apply , send a letter to grants @ autismsciencefoundation . org describing why you want to attend IMFAR and explaining how you would share what you learn there with the broader autism community . Letters should be sent as Microsoft Word attachments of no more than 2 pages , 12-point type , “ Arial ” font , with standard margins . In the subject line please write : IMFAR Travel Grant . Letters must be received by midnight eastern time on February 29 , 2016 . Recipients will be announced in late March . Past recipients have included individuals with autism , parents of children with autism , siblings of individuals with autism , special and regular education teachers , graduate and undergraduate students , post doctoral fellows , journalists , and others . Additional application information is available at http :// www . autismsciencefoundation . org / what-we-fund / apply-for-IMFAR-travel-grant .
The Autism Science Foundation ( ASF ) is a 501 ( c )( 3 ) public charity whose mission is to support autism research by providing funding to those who conduct , facilitate , publicize and disseminate autism research . ASF also provides information about autism to the general public and serves to increase awareness of autism spectrum disorders and the needs of individuals and families affected by autism .
The International Society for Autism Research ( IN- SAR ) is a scientific and professional organization devoted to advancing knowledge about autism spectrum disorders . INSAR was created in 2001 . The society runs the annual scientific meeting - the International Meeting for Autism Research ( IMFAR ) - and publishes the research journal “ Autism Research .”
Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 44 | 57