Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 44(Member's Dashboard) | Page 48

PERSONAL NARRATIVE water on his pants, spots on the floor don’t get top priority. 20. “I worry about what will happen when I’m gone.”  How will she survive? Who will advocate for her? Who will keep her safe? 21. “Sometimes I get jealous.”  I wish I could do what you do. I wish I had a nicer house. I wish I didn’t have medical bills. I wish I could wear nice clothes. I wish... 22. “I feel like a failure.”  My child still struggles with ___. I let him down when I didn’t stand up for him soon enough. I should have taken him out of that situation sooner. 23. “Occasionally  I sit in a parked car by myself and cry.” I get a few minutes alone and I don’t have to let my child see me crying. 24. “I need help.” I cannot care for my other children and my child on the spectrum and get it all done. I cannot keep her safe. I cannot keep the house clean when my child needs solace much of the day. 25. “I don’t want your pity.” Kindness, assistance, compassion...yes. Pity, no. 26. “I’m not a superhero.” I’m just a just regular person doing the best I can. 27. “Some days I want to give up.” Yes, sometimes I want to give up. But I won’t. Jenny Herman writes from a real-life perspective so others can peek inside life with special needs. She shares what works for her in an effort to help others with homeschooling and high-functioning autism. Jenny’s motto is “Just keep swimming.” She invites you to visit