Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 44(Member's Dashboard) | Page 45

EDUCATION 6. “You’re not stupid, you’ve actually got autism and dyslexia to go get tested and get some help.” It is also important for students to find a tribe that is supportive. Family can be essential in promoting selfworth and keeping students focused on the goal. 7. “Try harder to get supports, also make sure you’re eating!! Oh, and animation is way better than computer science.” 6. I f you could go back in time and give a piece of advice to your high school self, what would it be? 1. “I would tell myself to be more assertive.” 8. “You’re not a freak. You don’t have ADD, You’re autistic and you’re not broken.” 2. “For the love of God, stop worrying what others will think and ask for help if you need it.” 9. “Start earlier in working on overcoming social anxiety.” 3. “No one else feels as agitated by the things that bother you as you do, so you need to tell people when it happens, because they have no idea it’s happening otherwise.” W A A W W A A W W A A W 5. “Don’t be afraid to use the skills you do have (typing) to communicate your needs to adults - they love you and they will help you, whatever it takes. Experiences vary widely depending on each situation, but listening to those who have lived the experience is one way to get learn what may work best for you. Dawn Marcotte created to help autistic teens go to college. It provides a searchable database of over 300 colleges with autism support programs and advice from autistic college students. Saturday 2 – Friday 8 April is World Autism Awareness Week! There are loads of things you can do to support autistic people – you could take part in Onesie Wednesday™ or organise a pink and purple bake off! B W O A R A ST GA LK KE RA AND NIS RUN WA ISE OU E M T visit IPI WA RE E R LK UN AR N AR D IPI RE The National Autistic Society is a charity registered in England and Wales (269425) and in Scotland (SC039427). 2650_WAAW16 ad 209x130_1pp_4colour_FINAL ARTWORK_161215.indd 1 ISE YH For more information and to order your FREE World Autism Awareness Week pack, WA LK 4. “Hang in there kid. Things will be rough for awhile, but you’ll become tougher. Everything will be okay. Nothing is forever.” 10. “Seek help now, don’t wait ‘til college.” 16/12/2015 12:10:44