Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 44(Member's Dashboard) | Page 35

AUTISM THERAPY sponsive became less aroused and those who were under-responsive became more aroused. ABAS Test (Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, often used for measuring change in autism interventions) showed improvement in all sub-categories, with significant improvement in Communication and Self-care; for participants whose arousal decreased. This small study is one of the first to provide empirical evidence of  the effects of the iLs program and to suggest an impact on underlying physiological mechanisms.”  BASC Test (Behavior Assessment System for Children) showed significant changes in 7 of the sub-tests, including Hyperactivity, Aggression, Anxiety, Depression, Atypicality, Adaptability and Activities of Daily Living. Excerpt from Conclusion: “This study provides preliminary evidence that iLs is effective in ameliorating conditions for some of the children with sensory over-responsivity and auditory processing impairments…notable changes included following directions, completing daily tasks (e.g. homework, morning routine, putting away belongings) in a timely manner and reducing emotional outbursts.” Post testing three  months after program completion showed that the physiological and behavioral changes were sustained beyond the end of the program Parents reported qualitative comments such as the following:  “His reading scores came up four levels.”  “He sleeps better.”  “He is happier at school.”  “His behavior in school is better.”  “She is able to joke with others.”  “He picks up on sarcasm more quickly.”  “Her face seems more animated.” Study author, Dr. Sarah Schoen, commented “changes in physiological arousal suggest the iLs program is impacting underlying regulation mechanisms that may be contributing to the observed behavioral changes.  Behavioral changes included increased relaxation, fewer meltdowns and a generally calmer disposition For those interested in reading more, the study is available at no cost online. Information on iLs’ home program may be found at Randall Redfield is co-founder and CEO of Integrated Listening Systems (iLs). iLs provides a multi-sensory program for improving brain function and emotional regulation while training the brain to process sensory information. iLs’ newest product, the Dreampad, is a specialized pillow that delivers sound through a subtle vibration which stimulates the body’s relaxation response.  The Dreampad was initially developed to help children with autism reduce their anxiety and improve their sleep. Soon after the product release in November 2013, iLs was contacted by parents letting the company know the Dreampad helped their children and was also helping their own sleep. Since then, iLs has initiated multiple studies measuring the effect of the Dreampad on sleep with different conditions, including stress-related sleep difficulties, Parkinson’s, Autism, Alzheimer’s and ADHD.  Randall earned a M.A. in International Communications from The American University in Washington, D.C. He lives in Denver, CO with his wife and two boys. Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 44 | 35