Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 44(Member's Dashboard) | Page 32

sues that were being evaluated . He did not know that something was different for him . I did my best to learn and hope and play with him in the same intense yet caring way . We were buddies . I loved him and an occasional hug or kiss from him was a priceless reward for my interest . Oh , and he loved to be tickled . He loved to be held , to receive attention and be cared about .
Throughout his childhood , tickling has been one of our favorite activities . Even at age eight he comes over to me and now says , “ Grandpa , tickle me .” It is a thrill for me that he still enjoys this form of interaction . It is a joy to hear the unrestrained laughter and to see his sparkling smile . He ’ s a lot bigger now . When he ’ s had enough tickling he can easily escape from grandpa ’ s grasp . He rarely tickles me . I have no idea why . It doesn ’ t really matter , but it is interesting .
It ’ s fascinating how much I can tell about his mood by his interest in interacting with me . It ’ s marvelous that this most early interaction is something we still share to this day . It seems that somewhere along the way the play between us became a bond . This little game became a special activity for us to enjoy together . There are many activities he shows limited interest in . There are other activities that he has taken to with great success . He loves Legos . He loves to draw and is very talented at that . Every day has brought new surprises and many successes . It may be that this basic form of play is part of how we communicate our intense interest in each other . I still can ’ t completely grasp it ’ s significance .
One of the things I know for sure is that these simple interactions bring him great joy . Laughter from a child is the sound of joy , progress , energy and love . His laughter gets me laughing . His interest in playing with me is a step forward in his socialization process . This is not scientific . This is not statistically documentable . This is only the observation of someone who in the most non-objective fashion can see that his happiness is also my happiness . I have learned that the sound of his laughter goes beyond him . His laughter transports both of us to a better place . We are both moved to joy and amusement . What is amazing is that he does not have to do much for me to be so pleased by his laughter . All he has to do is to be my grandson and to allow me to share his enjoyment .
After eight years of research and exploration we have all learned a great deal about Autism Spectrum
Disorder . My grandson is in school . He receives occupational therapy , art therapy and wonderful educational and life enhancing services . He is surrounded by dedicated family and committed professionals .
Without the benefit of science I have learned is that his laughter is not just an indicator of his happiness . It is the documentable evidence of my happiness . It is me finding joy . It is me being rewarded . It is me finding excitement and pleasure in him and through him . While I once thought I was making him happy it ’ s really also that he is making me happy . I can be silent and see reflected in him that my spirits have been lifted . That I am smiling . It ’ s me who is also joyful . It ’ s me who is excited and thrilled . He is the one making me laugh … and all he is doing is being himself . He is a great teacher . He does all this and he does not even have to tickle back . I have now discovered that is the real joy of tickling .
Mr . Josias has been a practicing attorney in Florida for over forty years . Originally from Massapequa , New York , he earned his B . A . in History at The Citadel and his J . D . from The University of Notre Dame . He served in The U . S . Army and was a Company Commander and Battalion Operations Officer before ending his service in The National Guard and Reserves . In 1974 he founded his Law Firm in Ft . Lauderdale with specialties in Tax , Real Property and Governmental Law . After retiring from active practice he continues to serve as Of Counsel to the firm . He has represented over fifty governmental agencies at the Local , State and Federal level . He has served as Special Counsel to U . S . Senator Bob Graham , President of the Museum of Discovery and Science , and as a member of the Federal Judicial Nominating Commission for Florida . Mr . Josias is also a Certified Mediator and Volunteer Guardian Ad Litem for children in State supervised foster care . His other civic activities include service on numerous National and State Bar Committees . He was Chairman of The Board of a four Hospital Health Care System and served on that Board for eight years . Mr . Josias is also a licensed pilot . He has published articles and lectured on various legal topics within his areas of practice and expertise . He has also taught courses in law at the college level . He is listed in Who ’ s Who in American Law and has received numerous awards for professional and civic service to his community . He and his wife of forty three years , Marlene , have two children and three grandchildren . His oldest grandson was diagnosed with autism at age two .
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